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What is the Role of Calcium in Managing Menopause?

Discover the role of calcium in making your menopausal journey smoother. From bone health and muscle support to heart health and mood management, calcium is your ally.
Dr. Ameya Kanakiya
November 15, 2023

Are you going through menopause and wondering how to stay your best during this unique time? Well, there's a helpful friend you may not know much about yet – calcium!

In this blog, we'll talk about why calcium is like a secret helper during menopause. It's not just about strong bones and teeth; it can make you feel better all around. 

So, grab a cup of tea, relax, and let's uncover how calcium can make your menopausal journey smoother.

The Calcium Connection to Menopause

Imagine this: Your body houses an impressive 1200 mg of calcium, making up around 1.5-2% of your total body weight. Yes, it's that important! The majority of it, about 99%, is tucked safely into your bones, giving them strength and structure. 

And we all know strong bones are a must at every age.

As you navigate through menopause, your body undergoes a series of changes. Hormone levels fluctuate, and with them comes a set of challenges. This is where calcium steps in as your true ally:

Bone Health and Menopause

We all know that calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones. But during menopause, when hormonal changes can lead to bone density loss, it becomes your frontline defence. Adequate calcium intake can help preserve bone strength, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Muscle Support

Menopausal symptoms like muscle cramps and weakness can be bothersome. Calcium steps up by ensuring your muscles contract smoothly, potentially alleviating these discomforts.

Heart Health during Menopause

Hormonal fluctuations during menopause can affect your heart health. Calcium helps maintain your heart's rhythm, ensuring it beats steadily. This is crucial for overall cardiovascular well-being.

Mood Management

Menopause isn't just about physical changes; it can also impact your mood. Calcium plays a role in neurotransmitter regulation, which can contribute to mood stability and emotional well-being.

Sleep and Stress

Calcium's role in muscle relaxation can promote better sleep, addressing one of the common menopausal complaints. Additionally, it may help manage stress, which often accompanies this phase of life.

Blood Pressure Balance

Calcium is involved in blood vessel function, which can influence blood pressure regulation. Ensuring you get enough calcium may help maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Hormone Harmony

Hormonal balance is crucial during menopause. Calcium assists in hormone secretion, including insulin, which is essential for managing glucose levels.

Cognitive Health

Some women experience cognitive changes during menopause. Calcium's involvement in nerve function and cellular signalling may contribute to cognitive well-being.

Low Calcium Levels and Menopause

Here's the twist: Your blood calcium levels don't always reflect your overall calcium status. Your body prioritises maintaining stable blood calcium levels because it's essential for critical functions like heartbeats and blood vessel function. So, when you're not getting enough calcium from your diet, your body starts tapping into its bone reserves, which can weaken your bones over time.

But how do you know if you're running low on calcium during menopause? Keep an eye out for these signs:

  • Cramps, twitches, and spasms, especially in your hands and feet.
  • Mood changes, irritability, and emotional ups and downs.
  • Sleep disturbances and restlessness.
  • Irregular heart rhythms and palpitations.
  • Increased stress levels and anxiety.
  • Frequent fractures or fractures after a seemingly low level trauma.

These symptoms can vary in intensity, but they're all signals that your body might need more calcium to thrive during menopause.

Nurturing Your Calcium Needs During Menopause

Taking care of your calcium needs during menopause is like giving yourself a gift of wellness. Here's how you can do it:

  • Incorporate calcium-rich foods into your daily meals, including Indian staples. Think dairy products like milk and yoghurt (curd), which are commonly used in various Indian dishes. Indian cottage cheese (paneer) is another calcium-rich option, often featured in dishes like Paneer Tikka and Palak Paneer. Don't forget about traditional Indian sweets like Sesame Ladoo (Til Ladoo), made from calcium-packed sesame seeds and jaggery. Additionally, green leafy vegetables such as spinach (palak), fenugreek leaves (methi), and amaranth leaves (chaulai) are frequently used in Indian cooking and are excellent sources of calcium. You can also enjoy almonds (badam) as a snack or add crushed almonds to dishes for added calcium goodness.

  • Consult your healthcare provider about calcium supplements. They can help you determine if supplementation is necessary and recommend the right dosage for your unique needs, or you can try Elda Health’s “Menopause Balance+” as a 100% safe & natural supplement.


Calcium, known for its role in maintaining strong bones, steps into the spotlight during menopause. It isn't just about skeletal support; it's a crucial player in various aspects of your well-being.

From ensuring muscle strength and heart health to managing mood and promoting restful sleep, calcium touches multiple facets of your daily life. Its presence can make a tangible difference in how you experience and embrace menopause.

Remember, you're not alone on this path. Elda Health is here to provide personalised solutions, offering you the support and care you deserve.