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What Causes Vaginal Bleeding During Menopause?

October 19, 2023

Vaginal bleeding during menopause can be a cause for concern, as it may indicate a variety of underlying health issues. While some degree of irregular bleeding is common during the menopausal transition, any bleeding that happens after menopause - that is, after 12 months of having no periods, should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.

One of the most common causes of vaginal bleeding during menopause is atrophic vaginitis, which occurs when the vaginal tissue becomes thin and dry due to the decline in estrogen levels. This can cause irritation and inflammation, resulting in bleeding after sexual intercourse or other physical activity.

Other potential causes of vaginal bleeding during menopause include uterine polyps or endometrial hyperplasia. In rare cases, bleeding may also be a sign of a serious condition such as cervical or uterine cancer, so it is essential to seek medical attention promptly if any bleeding is experienced after menopause.

If you experience vaginal bleeding after menopause, you would have to undergo diagnostic tests such as a pelvic exam, ultrasound, and a  biopsy to determine the underlying cause. Treatment options may vary depending on the underlying condition but may include, medication, or surgery.

Vaginal bleeding after menopause should not be ignored, and you should seek medical attention if you experience any bleeding. With prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment, most underlying health conditions can be effectively managed, allowing women to maintain their health and quality of life during this transitional period.