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Menopause and Iron: What You Need to Know?

Unlock the secrets of iron's role in menopause—combat fatigue, support skin and hair health, and boost immunity.
Dr. Ameya Kanakiya
November 15, 2023

Are you going through Menopause? 

Feeling tired, noticing changes in your skin and hair, and worried about your immunity? 

Well, here's a little secret for you: Iron. 

Iron, one of the most essential minerals our bodies require, offers a multitude of benefits that contribute to our overall health and well-being. During Menopause, it becomes particularly crucial as it can help combat some of the common symptoms experienced during this phase, such as low energy levels, skin and hair health, and reduced immunity.

So, in this blog, let's discuss how Iron can be your best friend during Menopause.

The Powerhouse of Haemoglobin and Energy

Iron is a vital component as it supports the production of haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that's responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your body. Maintaining the right levels of Iron helps in warding off fatigue. It enhances energy levels, which can be a game-changer during Menopause.

In addition, some women may experience heavier bleeding during the transition, making it important to have higher iron levels to maintain adequate haemoglobin in the blood and prevent iron deficiency anaemia.

Beyond Blood: Iron's Versatile Functions

Iron isn't just limited to blood; it plays a role in various other bodily functions. It's essential for proper muscle functioning and the formation of myoglobin, a protein that stores oxygen in muscle cells. This helps your muscles work efficiently during physical activities, keeping you active and energetic.

Moreover, it is equally vital for maintaining cognitive function. This is particularly handy when you experience difficulty concentrating and memory issues, which can become more prominent during Menopause due to hormonal changes affecting cognitive functions.

Iron is also crucial for the immune system. It's involved in the production and maturation of immune cells that recognize and combat pathogens. Iron also plays a role in the production of antioxidant enzymes, protecting cells from oxidative stress.

Last but not least, Iron contributes to skin and hair health, a common concern during Menopause. 

Iron deficiency can lead to pale skin and brittle hair. It also aids in the production of collagen, essential for skin, wound healing, and tissue repair. Hair loss can sometimes be attributed to low iron levels in the blood.

Finding Iron: Dietary Sources

You can acquire Iron through your diet, which comes in two main forms:

  1. Heme Iron: Found in non-vegetarian sources like meat, poultry, and seafood.
  2. Non-heme Iron: Present in certain plants and vegetables, making it the vegetarian source of Iron.

Where Iron is Stored?

Most of the Iron in adults, around 3 to 4 grams of elemental Iron, is found in haemoglobin. The remaining Iron is stored in the form of ferritin (or hemosiderin) in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow and as myoglobin in muscle tissue. Transferrin, the primary protein in your blood, binds to Iron and transports it throughout your body.

Managing Iron Levels and Loss

The body experiences minimal iron loss through urine, stool, and skin. However, women may have greater iron loss, especially during their menstrual periods. This loss tends to increase with heavier bleeding.

Measuring Iron Levels

Iron levels can be measured through several methods:

  1. Complete Blood Count: This test measures haemoglobin levels along with hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume.
  2. Serum Ferritin Concentration: It measures the iron stores in your body. Normal haemoglobin levels with lower ferritin levels may indicate an earlier stage of iron deficiency, with haemoglobin levels decreasing at a later stage.

Keeping your iron levels in check during Menopause is like providing your body with a boost of vitality. Consider incorporating iron-rich foods into your daily meals, ensuring you're getting the right amount to support your well-being.

And, as always, consulting your healthcare provider is a wise move, especially if you're considering iron supplements. Alternatively, you can also try Elda Health’s “Menopause Balance+” as a 100% safe & natural supplement with Ginseng as one of the main ingredients.